EAGALA International Conference Opening Keynote

Dr Cliff Robertson, Jr is a living breathing expert on becoming
“A Masterpiece with a Mission” 

Where Anything is Possible for You!

“Dr Cliff set the tone for our international conference. His stories made people laugh, cry and by the end we all stood up, giving him a standing ovation – it was awesome!” CEO – EAGALA

Dr Cliff has a story to tell...

His life has become a testimony to overcoming tragedy and rising to live his best life. He lost everything he held dear… twice and has come back stronger. He now helps people to see life and the challenges that they face from an empowering perspective that changes their lives. Dr Cliff is keynote speaker, author, mental health professional, and a leadership development specialist. When you put all of this alongside his own lived experiences - this gives him a breadth of knowledge and experience that cannot be replicated.

Dive into the Extraordinary with our – “ You are a Masterpiece with a Mission”

Dr Cliff will help you and each member of the audience realize the magnitude of the impact each of you has on this world. Then he turns up the heat and will show you how to discover the fire that most have lost… and it will be like you have discovered fire again for the second time in human history – but this time, inside of your soul. (then continue with a new paragraph where it says – “Your audience…” using the same writing as before.) Also – can we use the picture that use to be at the top of the page here, instead of this one with me and the horse?

Dr Cliff Robertson, Jr

Author, Writer

Dr. Cliff Robertson, Jr. is a U.S. Navy veteran, who is passionate about motivation, mental wellness/resilience, emotional intelligence and leadership. As an award-winning international speaker, his keynotes and training would be perfect for your next event. He is also part of the world-renowned John Maxwell Team and a certified leadership development expert and speaker.

Cliff Robertson, Jr.

From Blog.

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